Wednesday 26 June 2013

Traditional Red Bean Ice Cream - without egg (Ais Krim Potong) 红豆雪条 - 无蛋版

Ice cream potong is one of the most popular local snacks. Our parents ate them when they were young, they bought us it when we were young, we got them in the school canteen, we buy them for kids, etc. I guess everyone love ice cream potong. They come in many flavours including red bean, sweet corn, chocolate, durian etc. My favourite (influenced by my dad) is of course red bean. We can hardly see ice cream potong at stores now but we would definitely buy some if we see it. I made red bean ice cream the other day using egg yolks (I do not really like that recipe because I do not like to waste the egg whites :() but cannot help myself when I found this recipe which I could imagine the childhood taste of memory straight away. 

I found the ingredients in no time and made it using the very 'Malaysian' recipe but I have modified the ingredients a little. It turned out really nice and soft. The ice cream melts in your mouth and you can feel  the flavour of coconut milk and red bean dancing together. They are sooooo good! 

140g Caster Sugar
4tbsp Milk powder
200ml Water
2tbsp Corn Flour
30ml Water
200ml Coconut Milk
250g Red bean paste (lightly sweetened)

1. In a pot, add sugar, milk powder, 200ml of water and cook over medium heat. Keep stirring until the sugar is dissolved. (Do not boil the mixture.)
2. Add the corn flour and 30ml of water into the pot and stir well to combine. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stir constantly while boiling. 
3. Red bean paste and coconut milk can now be added into the mixture and whisk to combine everything together. Heat it over medium heat until it boils.
4. Remove from heat and set aside for 10 minutes. Pour the mixture into ice cream moulds and let it cool to room temperature. Send it into the freezer and freeze for at least 8 hours. (I found it they taste better after they are completely frozen after about 24 hours.) Enjoy!

  • You can use canned red bean paste instead of home made but they are normally heavily sweetened so better taste it before using and reduce the sugar in the recipe accordingly.
  • You can substitute the coconut milk with milk if you want to or mix half amount of the coconut milk with milk. They are all fine.
Happy Trying!

Saturday 22 June 2013

Homemade Red Bean Ice Cream - with egg yolks (红豆雪糕 - 蛋黄版)

Red bean ice cream is one of the most popular flavour in Malaysia and daddy used to buy me it from the ice cream man on a bike or from the snacks shop when I was young. Do not think I have seen this in Europe but red bean is surely one of the most popular ingredients for desserts in Asia.

I made some extra red bean paste the other day and found this recipe so decided to give it a try. I have doubled the amount of red bean paste compared to the recipe and it ended up with a very strong red bean flavour. Love it! You can eat it with vanilla ice cream as well which I think will be amazing!

150ml Milk
3 Egg yolk
50g Castor sugar
500g Red bean paste
200ml Whipping cream

1. In a bowl, beat together the egg yolks and sugar until well combined and becomes light and fluffy. Set aside.
2. Simmer the milk in a sauce pan until it is hot but not boiled.
3. Remove the milk from heat and let it cool down a little. Pour the warm milk into the egg yolk mixture little by little while whisking the mixture with a whisk.
4. Pour the mixture into a sauce pan and heat it over low heat. Keep stirring with a spoon until the mixture becomes thicker and remove from heat. (Do not bring to the boil!)
5. Set the mixture aside and let it cool down to room temperature for about 1 hour and refrigerate for about 2hours. (Do not freeze yet!)
6. In a large bowl, add the whipping cream and red bean paste into the egg mixture, whisk to combine everything together.
7. Pour the ice cream mixture into a freezer safe container and cover it with a lid. Send it into the freezer for about 40 minutes. 
8. Get it out of the freezer and stir well using a fork. Even the surface and send it back to the freezer and freeze for 6hours or above. 
Happy Trying!

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Steamed Minced Pork with Salted Egg (咸蛋蒸肉饼)

This is a very simple dish but it is more than a common family dish because everyone likes it even kids. I think this is the simplest thing you can teach your kids when they first learn to cook instead of frying an egg because this involved no oil splashing that puts off so many beginners from cooking. Very simple, goes very well with steamed rice or porridge/congee, full of flavour and yes you can hardly find this in the restaurants!

Lets make it at home and if you have just upgraded to become a wife or mum, this is one of the dishes that you must learn up to impress your loved ones. Also if you are in the middle of planning for today's meal this could be one of it. ^^

Ingredients: (serves 2)
100g Minced Pork
2 Eggs
1 Salted egg
1/2tsp Light soy sauce
a pinch of salt
a dash of white pepper
1. Wash away the clay that covers the salted egg. Crack the salted egg and separate the yolk and white in separate bowls.
2. In a bowl, add in minced pork, crack the 2 eggs in together with salted egg white, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Stir with a fork until combined.
3. Lightly oil a stainless steel plate, pour the meat mixture into the plate and place the salted egg yolk in the centre.
4. Prepare your steamer and bring the water to the boil. Steam the meat mixture in the steamer at medium high heat for 16-18 minutes. Check with inserting a chopstick or skewer at the thickest part. If the skewer comes out clean and no pink juices come out from the hole, it's cooked. Otherwise steam it for another good 2-3 minutes. Serve hot!

  • Use a wide plate so that the meat can be cooked evenly
  • If you want to make a bigger portion just double the ingredients and steam for 22-25 minutes. Check using the skewer as mentioned in step 4.
  • You can use ceramic plate but it takes 2-3 more minutes of steaming.
  • You can also make this using a rice cooker. Place it on the steaming tray above your rice cooker when the rice is rinsed and ready to be cooked. Put on the lid, switch the cooker on and it should be ready when the rice is cooked. 

Monday 10 June 2013

新古毛美食 - 潮记饭店 (Kuala Kubu Bharu Food - Kedai Makanan Teo Kee)

还记得小时候(约十岁以前)的星期天,常常会跟随爸妈到一个叫大树头的小摊吃午饭。那时候小摊就坐落在Jalan Abdul Hamid 一间印度Rojak店的后面,一排木板和白铁屋顶搭成的小店(记得还有传统猪肠粉和杂饭店在左右)约二十年前就被夷平成现在的小型停车场了。

老板是潮州人,每天都精心地准备一大锅的潮州卤,主要有猪肉、梅菜、蛋、豆腐、猪肠等等。我爸爸跟老板很熟,经常一见到老板就大声地叫“美美”!其实到现在我还不知道"美美“在潮州话是什么意思,小时候总觉得爸爸是刻意用女孩子的名字跟老板开玩笑的。之后发现认识老板的人都这么称呼他,就习惯了。因为以前没有招牌,很多人都管他叫大树头,我们则习惯了叫”美美“(偷笑!)。那时候吃午餐还真的是“热辣辣”! 因为地方狭小拥挤,虽然在大树下但很多时候还是会晒着太阳把碗里美味的食物吃完。虽然没有舒适的环境,但是总是吃得津津有味,独一无二的场景至今仍历历在目,怀念非常


以下除了咸鱼蒸猪肉外都是我们一家光顾潮记一定要点的小菜。店家还每天准备了冰冷的凉茶让顾客们消暑。 以前在大树头的时候,老板娘都把凉茶装在用过的烈酒瓶(如XO, Hennessey 等等)里,所以现在我们还是会逗趣地在点完菜后跟老板娘或帮忙的大姐要一瓶XO (虽然现在已改用汽水瓶了) ^^ 很多顾客到这里也会点绵密的白粥,大热天气吃白粥好下咽、很舒服。 要吃白粥要趁早,不然会扑了个空哦!其实老板很够味的菜肴配白饭也很棒,我们通常都要白饭。

招牌便菜(Teo Chew Braised Mix with pork, pickled vegetable, eggs and fried bean curd) - 三十年不变的潮州卤肉、梅菜、蛋和豆腐。最近好像都没有卖卤猪肠了。味道不用我多说,单点这一道配白粥或饭都很好吃。只要告诉老板或老板娘几个人吃老板就会计算分量了。如果想说不要蛋、豆腐或肉,别害羞,跟老板交代就好。

招牌豆腐鱼(Signature Fish with Tofu) - 可以说它是一道糖醋鱼但是没那么甜。煎得香香的鱼肉配上豆腐、辣椒、姜和特制酱汁焖煮出来的浓郁味道,加上鱼肉的鲜甜,非常好下饭或粥的一道小菜。几乎每一桌客人都点哦!
焖辣茄子(Spicy Fried Aubergine/Eggplant) - 简单焖得很软的茄子,老板用了少许猪肉片和虾子提鲜,小辣,非常好下饭。如果你跟我一样重口味,可以跟店家要一些马来盏辣椒酱(虾米虾酱熬成的辣椒酱)加少许酱油,一口茄子加少许辣椒酱,不骗你真的让这道菜加分不少。

煎芙蓉蛋(Special Omelette) - 就是一般煎得香香的芙蓉蛋。但是如果你有点焖辣茄子这蛋是一定要点的,因为一匙茄子,一匙芙蓉蛋加少许辣椒酱,他们是绝配!不要相信我,吃一次就知道啦!^^

咸鱼蒸猪肉(Steamed Pork with Salted Fish) - 咸鱼蒸猪肉每个人在做,这里不一样的是,它的酱汁不是一般酱油或料酒制造出来的味道。 每一口肉都有浓浓的咸香味,就连我那吃遍各地咸鱼蒸猪肉的老公都说正点!有点这一道菜的话,准备多添两碗白饭吧!
丝瓜蛋花汤 (点菜时用广东话叫“胜瓜汤”就行了)(Loofah Soup) - 汤底用猪肉、虾子和番茄增加鲜味。喝起来非常清甜暖胃,一定要试一试哦!


店名:潮记饭店(大树头)Kedai Makanan Teo Kee
地址:8, Jalan Merdeka, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Ulu Selangor (Jalan Abdul Hamid 邮政局对面)
GPS: Teo Kee stall (N 03 33 751, E 101 39 516)
营业时间:9.00am - 3.00pm (逢星期二休息)

Friday 7 June 2013

新古毛美食 - 王伍记酒家(Kuala Kubu Bharu Food - Wong Ng Kee Restaurant)


其实经过几个电视节目和杂志的推介, 经常都有慕名而来的游客们问路说海南鸡扒哪里找,潮州菜该往哪儿走等等。如果要向第一次到新古毛的朋友介绍第一号美食,我还是会选择潮州菜,而第二号我觉得非王伍记酒家莫属。这是我从小就随家人光顾到大的老餐馆,以前可是赫赫有名的喜宴、聚餐的红招牌。经过岁月的洗礼,加上镇上一些新餐馆的竞争,没有亮丽的装潢,这餐馆好像都被本地人给遗忘,外地人给忽略了。其实,还是有一些忠实的老粉丝,每天都给于这个依然保有老味道的餐馆默默的支持。只是我觉得游客们对新古毛的印象不应该是”傍晚开始新古毛就没东西吃了“。这里每天上午11时开始营业到晚上九时许。




Kuala Kubu Bharu is a peaceful beautiful small town where I was brought up. I left the colourful big cities after nearly 10 years staying away from home and come back to this small little town eventually for the peaceful and simple life which I could not found anywhere else in the world. The name Kuala Kubu Bharu has become popular within the nation because of the little issue caused by one of the politicians during the past election. Even my friend who comes from Kelantan and works in Singapore knows exactly where it is when I mention this in our conversation.

Kuala Kubu Bharu is no longer a hidden town after being appeared on TV shows, newspapers and magazines. Every so often there are tourists asking directions for Hainanese chicken chop and the famous Teo Chew cuisine. However the Teo Chew food is still the champion food that I would recommend for friends who make their first visit to the town, the second place that I would strongly recommend would be nowhere else but Wong Ng Kee restaurant. It is an old restaurant which was always the first choice to the locals whenever there were special dinners back in 30 years and my family has been visiting since I was young. As time passed by, this gem has been overlooked by locals and tourists because of new competitors and its old finish. Somehow this restaurant still owns supports from a few loyal customers for their specialty. This restaurant opens daily from 11am to 9pm therefore please do not worry if you are looking for food in Kuala Kubu Bharu in the evening.

A few special delicacies on the menu are my favourites that made the restaurant a must visit every time I came back for holidays few years back. The flavour of their food has never changed for 20 years or more and you will always be welcomed by the lady boss' heart warming smiles.

If there is a chance you are coming to or passing by Kuala Kubu Bharu, please do not hesitate to visit this restaurant and have a try on the local flavours. It is located right at the town centre and you will not miss it.

p/s: All of the food below cost RM74 including a pot of Chinese tea and 2 hot coffee but we felt extremely stuffed!

It is impossible to try everything out in the menu at one go but I will show you a few specialty which are all my favourites for more than 20 years (not including infant period of course lol).

卤面(Loh Mee) - 面条是老板兼大厨亲手擀的,味道跟Q度只此一家别无分店。习惯吃乌鲁音卤面的人会奇怪怎么这卤面是白白的,其实店家会体贴的给你一瓶乌醋,依个人喜好自行添加。我喜欢吃原味,才吃得到其中的鲜甜和美味。
Loh Mee - This is a kind of noodle with thick gravy and egg. If you came across Ulu Yam Loh Mee before then this is too pale for you but do not worry dark vinegar is prepared for you and you can add into your noodle according to your preference. It is homemade noodle made by the chef and the flavour is exclusive. I do not like to add vinegar personally so that I can taste the natural flavour of the ingredients.
干捞叉烧云吞面(Wonton Noodle with BBQ Pork) - 店家卖的其实是很老味道的粤菜,所以每天都有新鲜的蜜汁叉烧。颜色没有外面卖的亮丽,但是真的就是叉烧该有的味道,有时候下午买个叉烧配白饭也可以吃得很滋味。云吞面也是店家自制的,简单的干捞云吞面,配上特制的捞酱,其实也可以好好地满足你的味蕾。
Wonton Noodle with BBQ Pork - The chef prepared BBQ pork (char siew) everyday and their BBQ pork is really authentically good. The wonton noodle is homemade as well. The noodle taste excellent with their special sauce and the juicy BBQ pork. Even a simple plain rice with their BBQ pork will not disappoint you.  

云吞窝(Fried Wonton in Soup) - 其实就是菜肉汤里加了几大颗炸云吞。没有大大只弹牙的虾但其美味是要吃过才会懂的。
Fried Wonton in Soup - The soup base is made with pork, shrimps and vegetables. The crispy fried wontons are soaked in the soup. You will never know how it taste until you try it!

炸春卷(Special Spring Roll) - 也是店家自制的小吃之一。脆脆的外皮里面包有菜和肉,配着酸梅酱和辣椒酱吃很棒!
Special Spring Roll - This is one of their specialty. Very crispy pastry and it is stuffed with minced pork, vegetables and shrimps. It is best eating with their complimentary plum sauce and chilli sauce.

中式鸡扒(Oriental Chicken Chop - Totamo Sauce/Black Pepper Sauce) - 很多年前就知道这里有卖鸡扒,只要爸妈不坚持吃饭我们有时候也会点。一直以来都只知道有下图的茄汁鸡扒,今天老板说有黑胡椒选择,结果我们点了各一份,都很好吃。鸡扒炸得外酥内软多汁,淋上很到位的酱汁简直就是好吃到吮手指。值得一提的是店家不是西餐厅所以没有储备冷冻薯条,都是用新鲜马铃薯炸成的。镇上除了夜市营业的马来档鸡扒,这里的是第一名!
Oriental Chicken Chop - Tomato/Black Pepper Sauce - They have been doing chicken chop for many years but I was only told there is black pepper flavour during my last visit. We ordered each flavour and they are both finger licking good. The tangy tomato sauce and fragrant peppery sauce taste absolutely fantastic with the crispy deep fried chicken. Be reminded this is not a western food restaurant therefore their chips are made with fresh potatoes. Their chicken chop is at the top place in town except the one sold in a local Malay stall.

排骨王 (King Ribs - pork chop in special sauce) - 应该是用里脊肉做的“排骨王”大多时候是没有骨的。浓厚的酱汁附着在腌得很入味、煎得香香的猪排上,配上香香的芝麻,是我们几姐弟每次光顾必点的!大人小孩都应该很喜欢,而且非常开胃,很下饭。可是如果·小孩不能吃辣可以跟店家说,因为这菜有用小辣椒提味,以免有时候店家不小心下重手了变呛辣小孩就没得吃了^^
King Ribs - pork chop in special sauce - I supposed this is made with loin pork chop and they are boneless most of the time. The well marinated pork chop is crispy and coated with the marvellous sauce and topped with nice roasted sesame. It is one of their signature dish for us and it is loved by both adults and kids. Please inform the waitress to reduce or avoid the chillies in the sauce if you like no hotness as they normally add some into it.

老味道咖啡 (Old Fashioned Coffee) - 虽然说新古毛有许多英国殖民留下来的痕迹,可是要吃到真正的海南味道其实很不容易了。你不会想到在这家老餐馆里头竟然可以喝到浓烈老咖啡的味道,就是小时候那些咖啡馆才喝得到的味道。你只要叫一杯热咖啡,不用说‘gao gao’ 或加浓,就是照片里的这个颜色,非常浓郁,看不出来却喝得到浓厚的奶咖啡的味道。喝后喉咙有一股甘甘香香的咖啡味,想要回味一下老咖啡的味道,真的可以来这里试一试。这里的奶茶,鸳鸯也不错哦!只是这里没有烤面包,不然真的十全十美了!
Old Fashioned Coffee - It is not easy to find a cup of coffee that has the traditional thick and milky flavour although we were once British colonial where Hainanese coffee shops were everywhere in town but those were all once upon a time stories now. You will be surprised that you can get the old taste of memory here in an old Chinese restaurant. Just order a cup or a big glass of hot coffee (save the term 'gao gao' (thick) that you normally has to emphasize when ordering coffee) and you will get a cup of coffee exactly like the one shown in the picture above. 

Name: Wong Ng Kee Restaurant
地址:Jalan Mat Kilau, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Ulu Selangor. (Lim Guan Joo 建筑后面)
         (behind the famous Lim Guan Joo's building)
营业时间:星期一至星期日 (11am-9pm)
Opening Hours: Mon-Sun (11am-9pm)