Wednesday 7 November 2012

Homemade Honey Lemon

Finally I have decided to have Home made Honey Lemon as the first recipe for my blog. This is very easy to make hence I found it really helpful in curing sore throat, very soothing especially in the hot season.

I first found the recipe on internet and modified the amount of ingredients according to my experiments. 

3 Lemons
1000ml Honey (I used Australian Capillano Honey)
3tsp salt
1 glass/plastic container

1 Wash the lemons.
2. Place one lemon into a clean plastic/freezer bag, add in some salt and scrub the lemon for at least 2 minutes to remove dirts and wax on the skin. Repeat this step on every lemon. (This can avoid your palms to be over scrubbed XD)
3. Rinse off the salt and pat dry with clean cloth/kitchen towel.
4,5. Thinly slice the lemons and place in a dry dish.
6. Arrange one layer of lemon at the bottom of the container and pour a layer of honey on top of the lemons.
7. Repeat step 6 until the lemons are finished. 
8. Pour in the remaining honey until the container is full.
9. Lid on, label the container with date and refrigerate the honey lemon for 3days. Take it out, use a non-metal spoon to stir from bottom to top. This is to get the honey at the bottom and the lemon juice on top to mix well together. Lid on again and put it back into the fridge.
10. Repeat step 9 for at least 2 times until the 10th day. 
11. Use a non-metal spoon, stir it again from bottom to the top. Get a slice of the lemon into your favourite mug and get 1 spoon of the mixture of honey lemon. Add in some luke warm water and stir well. Tasty soothing honey lemon drink is ready to be served ^^

The honey lemon can be stored in the fridge for at least 1 month without any contact with water so make sure your hands and spoon are dry every time you try to stir or get the honey lemon.

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